Hydrofoil Camp

Event Start: sabato, 23 aprile 2016

Event End: lunedì, 25 aprile 2016

In partnership with Garda Kite Surf

From April 23 to 25, 2016, the first camp to learn the basics of hydrofoil will take place at Univela in Campione del Garda. The organizers announce the initiative as a true world premiere.

An event that will not fail to provide excitement even for those who decide to be mere spectators: hydrofoil, as shown in the images on this same page, is indeed a spectacular discipline.

The initiative is born in collaboration with Gardakite and Moses Hydrofoil, the Italian leader in the production of boards and Hf technology. Thanks to the favorable conditions of Lake Garda, especially in Campione, the simple use of Moses Hydrofoil equipment, and their highly qualified staff, one can quickly approach sailing by floating on the water at incredible speeds, even with very little wind.

Our Partners

Regione Lombardia - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
FIV - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
CSEN - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
Pascucci - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
WSM - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
AIL - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
Depasalus - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
CD Sails - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl