A-Cat National Regatta

Campione del Garda event saw the participation of 18 crews and was valid as a selection for the European championships that will take place this year at Circolo Vela Arco. The first day was characterized by very light wind while the second day the wind from the south blew around 15 knots. 6 races completed and a very competitive podium. The victory in the Open category went to Lamberto Cesari of the Bardolino Nautical Center who with 5 points climbed to the top step of the podium in front of Bob Baier of the Circolo Vela Arco and Gianni Fantasia of the Centro Vela Dervio. Undisputed winner in the Classic category Giorgio Marchetto of Canottieri Mestre.

The complete rankings are available on the event website https://www.campioneunivela.it/.../a-cat-regata-nazionale/

All the images of the event are available on the Univela.org Facebook page https: //www.facebook.com/media/set? Vanity = univela.org ...

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Regione Lombardia - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
FIV - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
CSEN - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
Pascucci - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
WSM - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
AIL - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
Depasalus - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
CD Sails - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl