

Wing foil, often called wing surfing, is certainly the water sport of the moment and the one that is enjoying the most success globally. After the advent, and gradual maturity, of windsurfing, kitesurfing and stand up paddle, wing foil is the new frontier of water sports. It combines the best features of these three disciplines including the ease of transporting the equipment, adrenaline, the feeling of freedom and above all fun. Unlike stand up paddle, however, wing surfing is a fairly difficult sport to learn and requires good physical shape and lots of training.

Our Partners

Regione Lombardia - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
FIV - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
CSEN - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
Pascucci - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
WSM - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
AIL - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
Depasalus - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl
CD Sails - Partner di Univela Sailing ssdsrl